Jan 28, 2024
We are a community made up of families with children who live with multiple disabilities because of a rare disease, epilepsy syndrome, or another chronic diagnosis.
We contribute to the solution of problems such as discrimination, omission, and violence that people with disabilities and their caregivers experience.
We demand the effective implementation of the rule of law through the democratization of knowledge, civic empowerment, and citizen activation.
We are part of the Citizen Observatory of Human Rights
of the Federal Institute of the Public Defender since its foundation (February 2019)
We are part of the Global Alliance for Care (December 2022)
Through our programs, we want to provide knowledge, tools, and resources to families with children with intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and multiple disabilities.
CAPACES is a specialized training and support program for families with children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), cerebral palsy, and epilepsy syndromes.
Higiene Digna y Segura
Higiene Digna y Segura (The Dignified and Safe Hygiene Program) was created so families could have a shower seat for their children. This makes said activity a dignified, safe, and enjoyable space.
Ángel Guardián
Ángel Guardián (Guardian Angel) is a training program in the familiar inclusive management of risks in emergencies and disasters. It includes a bracelet.
Since 2016 at the local, federal and international level, we have made visible the importance of regulating the use of medical cannabis and recognizing the rights of patients and their families.
Since 2016, we have been raising the unpaid care workers voices for the recognition of the right to dignified care in its three dimensions: the right to care for oneself, the right to care others and the right to receive care.
Enough of changing our loved ones on the floor, in the trunks, planters or benches! Dignity, safety and accessibility are rights, not favors!
We are a community of families helping families who face the challenge of raising and enjoying children and youth with intellectual, psychosocial and multiple disabilities. We offer help from a perspective of human rights, care and disability to access, exercise and demand their rights. Always starting from citizen participation and activation, and legal empowerment.
To ensure that families of children and youth with disabilities are recognized as a priority population to be part of the decision-making process in the development and implementation of public policy that guarantees the progressiveness of their rights and autonomy, thus achieving effective access to the rule of law.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead (1901-1978)